The problem is this:
I make an internet connection to some url and receive an HttpResponse with an app_example.apk.
Then I want to create a file (an .apk) in the sdcard with this data so that this downloaded application can be installed later.
How can I convert the HttpResponse to an .apk file?
Let's clear some details:
- I have to get this apk file through an internet connection to my server
- I don't want to install this applications I receive on the sdcard
- All of this has to be done in my code, I cannot use android market
I am currently writing to that file.
What I'm doing is converting the HttpResponse to a byte[ ],
then that byte[ ] is written to a file (an .apk) using an ObjectOutputStream.
Like this:
// byte[] appByteArray - already has the internet response converted in bytes
try {
file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/"+appName+".apk");
FileOutputStream stream = null;
stream = new FileOutputStream(file, false);
ObjectOutputStream objectOut =
new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(stream));
} catch (Exception e) {
In the end, the file is created and has the received content.
When I try to install it, through a VIEW intent (using the default installer) I get a parse error saying that it could not find the AndroidManifest.xml.
I think that in some step along the way, the received data is being corrupted.
Do you have another method to solve this?
Many thanks