I'm creating a library-style system in Ruby on Rails, and I'm trying to come up with a way to calculate the overdue days while excluding weekends when a borrowed item is returned. Right now I'm just calculating "dayslate" as the difference between the due date and the date the item was actually returned, but I want to exclude weekends, since items can only be returned on weekdays.
This is my first real experience with Ruby and Rails, so my apologies if I'm missing something obvious. Thanks for any help you all can provide.
Here's the code I have for the "return" function:
def return
@product = Product.find(params[:id])
today = Date.today
dayslate = today - @product.due_date
if @product.due_date >= today
@product.borrower = @product.check_out = @product.due_date = @product.extended_checkout = nil
flash[:notice] = "Okay, it's checked in!"
@product.borrower = @product.check_out = @product.due_date = @product.extended_checkout = nil
flash[:notice] = "Checked in, but it was #{dayslate} days late!"