



The CKEditor website is somewhat lacking; can you tell me how to remove the status bar ('body ul li ...') from CKEditor?

There is a list of HTML at the bottom of the editor - body p ul li - representing how the typed text will be generated and I want to remove this list.

+2  A: 

Like this, for example:

CKEDITOR.appendTo('container', {
    removePlugins: 'elementspath' 
Y. Shoham
Maybe I am referring to the wrong object. The is a list of HTML items at the bottom of the editor - body p ul li - and the client does not like this display and wants it removed.
Upper Stage
It called `elementspath`. when you do `removePlugins` with `'elementspath'` - it won't appear. How do you create your CKE instance?
Y. Shoham
WOW! Who would have thought?
Upper Stage
+1  A: 

Answer is here:

config.removePlugins = 'elementspath'; config.resize_enabled = false;
