Hi all, Been developing a game for a while, and currently re working the GUI, or at least trying to. Had the massive problem of not being able to resize the frame (without issues), as I didn't understand layout managers very well. A few projects later, and time to come back and do some more on the game, and I hit a problem...
The basic layout of the main frame is, mainPane, containing one gameScrollPane and one controlPanel. The scroll pane is a scroll pane, and the control panel a normal panel. The scroll pane contains the main game panel.
As I wanted the scroll pane to take up most of the screen, with the control panel taking up a small lower area, much the same as many Sim like games, so chose the Border layout for the mainPane. I added the scroll pane and set the constraints CENTER and the control panel added and constriants SOUTH. This didn't show the scroll pane, so I played around trying different constraints, and it seems that only when I set the scroll pane constraint to North, does it display at all.
To demonstrate this, I have created a quick video... http://screenjel.ly/q5RjczwZjH8
As you can see, when I change the value of NORTH to CENTER and re run, it's like its not there!
Bonus points for anyone who can see a clear second problem which I may start another question for after this issue is solved!
I thank you for your time to read this.
Thanks in advance for any ideas or thoughts :)