



I am trying to run a 64 bit executable (java.exe) from our 32-bit .NET application. I am using Process class and invoking cmd /c <command name> in order to support all possible commands (like dir, cd etc).

The problem is that on my machine I installed 64-bit version of JRE and java.exe is only available from C:\Windows\System32 folder (x64). I have tried explicily starting 64 bit version of cmd.exe by calling C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe but it gets redirected to SysWOW64 due to calling process being 32 bit.

Is there anything else I can do to get this to work?

EDIT The whole cmd /c thing is a bit of a red herring. It is not part of the problem, being able to run 64 bit executables is.

+5  A: 

You can temporarily disable filesystem redirection around the call to Process.Start, the appropriate API's to P/Invoke are Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection and Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection.

Another option is to use %windir%\sysnative, which is available on Windows Vista and above.

Sounds scary, i'll give it a go :)
Igor Zevaka
Indeed this works. I can't believe this is the official way of doing it - - MSDN demonstrates using this function for precisely this purpose.
Igor Zevaka
Cool, sysnative worked too, i ll probably use that in the final version.
Igor Zevaka

Just in case this might help..

Note that if the application is manifested to show the UAC prompt, then redirection will not take place. And also some folders are exempt from redirection.
