I was wondering what kind of tools people use to make their coding experience more enjoyable or easy. Especially in java.
Also, what kind of tools would be nice?
EDIT: Let's assume we all use some IDE that supports plugins... :-p
I was wondering what kind of tools people use to make their coding experience more enjoyable or easy. Especially in java.
Also, what kind of tools would be nice?
EDIT: Let's assume we all use some IDE that supports plugins... :-p
and Alt+Enter
Eclipse, Maven, Google Collections, Apache Commons, YourKit, and a 30" monitor!
I like using the Eclipse EclEmma plugin to calculate my JUnit code coverage every time I run my tests.
All of the major IDEs others have suggested have great plugins for version control, building, and unit testing.
Use your debugger!
IntelliJ IDEA with it's awesome editing and the Key Promoter Plugin make Java editing very smooth.
Check out command-line tools like javap. Good luck!
CheckStyle to enforce coding standard, Cobertura for checking code coverage.
On a related note also check the book
Java Power Tools
which covers around 30 open source tools that help to do better development with Java
Depending on the project one time saver could be: JRebel ( formely known as Java Rebel ) which allows you to reload classes dynamically without having to restart your VM.
Looks pretty awesome.
Here's a video: JRabel in action
Check out nWire for Java, it's an innovative code exploration plugin for Eclipse. The tool includes: