



I have a problem. I want to create sql question

select * from Firma left outer join FirmaAdres on FirmaAdres.Typ = 1 and FirmaAdres.FirmaID = Firma.ID

in subsonic

I have written

SelectColumns("Firma.*").From().LeftOuterJoin(FirmaTable.IDColumn, FirmaAdresTable.FirmaIDColumn).And(FirmaAdresTable.AdresTypIDColumn).IsEqualTo(1)

When I checked what sql question is created I noticed then left outer join is changed to Inner join!!!

Could anyone help me??


Subsonic doesn't support LeftOuterJoin. You need to emulate the left join in LINQ (see for more details) In my opinion the effort don't deserves the pain that is wating for you. I suggest you to use a simple, boring and traditional stored procedure here.


hola, yo pude solucionar el error bajando el binario y corrigiendo lo siguiente: objeto modificado:namespace SubSonic.Query, clase SqlQuery, metodo CreateJoin(string fromColumnName, string toColumnName, Join.JoinType type)

Problema encontrado: en la clase SubSonic.Query.SqlQuery en el metodo CreateJoin(string fromColumnName, string toColumnName, Join.JoinType type) recibe el tipo de join pero luego dentro de la funcion le pasa fijo asi: //CreateJoin(fromColumn, toColumn, Join.JoinType.Inner);

solucion: bajar el binario de subsonic y corregirlo asi: CreateJoin(fromColumn, toColumn, type)

con esto ahora te va aarmar bienla consulta saludos