May be you can use this kind of query as a starting point.
select x.identifier,
max(x.p_1) as new_participant, max(x.c_1) as new_date,
max(x.p_2) as inprogress_participant, max(x.c_2) as inprogress_date,
max(x.p_3) as approval_participant, max(x.c_3) as approval_date,
max(x.p_4) as closing_participant, max(x.c_4) as closing_date
from (
select a.identifier,
decode (activity, 1, participant, null) as p_1, decode (activity, 1, closedate, null) as c_1,
decode (activity, 2, participant, null) as p_2, decode (activity, 2, closedate, null) as c_2,
decode (activity, 3, participant, null) as p_3, decode (activity, 3, closedate, null) as c_3,
decode (activity, 4, participant, null) as p_4, decode (activity, 4, closedate, null) as c_4
from performance a
) x
group by x.identifier
The idea is to serialize your table from row into field, and create a view based on it.
You can create report based on this view.