I need a a regular expression to validate Zipcode or postcode - it must be 8 characters alphanumeric field i.e allow A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.
I need a a regular expression to validate Zipcode or postcode - it must be 8 characters alphanumeric field i.e allow A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.
This will also work, but usually allows underscores: ^\w{8}$
To allow free spaces within the string (for simplicity, this allows extra spaces on the end of the string, but not the beginning):
This allows free spaces, hyphens and (back)?slashed, which are common in zip codes:
You cant, because not all number patterns that satisfy a zip code format are valid zip codes.
I would try to validate zip/postal codes in conjunction with the country code - if your validation framework supports this kind of custom validation. It's going to lead to more accurate validation especially if many of your customers are from a particular country.
For instance i check for country code first and if it is US I can be more specific :
if (countryCode == "US") {
regex = "^\d{5}([\-]\d{4})?$"; // trim string first
else {
// see other answers!
(of course this applies to any country, such as UK where postal codes are a fixed format)
If you are interested in validating addresses around the world, check out http://intlmailaddress.com. It has postal address formats, postal code formats and phone formats from 246 countries. Region names, (like state, province, emirate, sheng, etc.)
Validating the format of a code without validating its content is stopping short unnecessarily. See http://semaphorecorp.com/cgi/zip5.html for examples.