



When I type this "" , it displays the index page wich is : "" .

Well, what I want to do is when the user types "" (so like the first one except it doesn't have a trailing slash).

I tried many things and specially regular expressions, but nothing works because I think that the server stops the reg exp process when he finds a space ("%20" in the URL).

I tried this reg exp:

Options +FollowSymLinks 
rewriteEngine On rewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)\ (.*html)$ 
rewriteRule ^.*$ %1-%2 [E=space_replacer:%1-%2] 
rewriteCond %{ENV:space_replacer}!^$ 
rewriteCond %{ENV:space_replacer}!^.*\ .*$ 
rewriteRule ^.*$ %{ENV:space_replacer} [R=301,L] 

and also put:

DirectorySlash On 

in the "mod_dir" module of Apache.

So, my question is: - How to tell to the server to add a trailing slash when the user types an url without a trailing slash;$

+1  A: 

You can make a character optional by appending the ? quantifier to it like this:

RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ $1/index.html

Now both /foobar and /foobar/ would be rewritten to /foobar/index.html.

But it would be better if you use just one spelling, with or without the trailing slash, and redirect the other one:

# remove trailing slash
RewriteRule (.+)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

# add trailing slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .*[^/]$ /$1/ [L,R=301]

These rules either remove or add a missing trailing slash and do a permanent redirect.


You don't need the rewriting at all,

  DirectorySlash On 

(which is the default) will do this. The space doesn't cause any problems.
