I have some data in the following format:
Code InTime
1690 09:03:00
1690 09:13:00
1690 09:07:00
1691 08:48:00
1691 08:52:00
1691 08:50:00
1691 08:54:00
1691 08:46:00
1691 09:28:00
1691 08:59:00
1691 08:53:00
1691 09:02:00
1693 08:57:00
1693 09:01:00
1693 08:54:00
1693 09:22:00
1693 09:16:00
1693 08:58:00
1693 09:03:00
1693 09:01:00
1693 09:02:00
1693 09:44:00
1885 09:28:00
1885 09:04:00
1885 09:20:00
1885 08:57:00
and so it goes for about 2000 lines I need to plot a line graph , that plots the intime for each salary code as a trend, with seperate lines for seperate salary codes. Is there an automated way to do this? Please note that the salary codes repeat for each day. The trend required is for each salary code, not row by row.