



This is a syntax question. I have a generic class which is inheriting from a generic base class and is applying a constraint to one of the type parameters. I also want the derived class to implement an interface. For the life of me, I cannot seem to figure out the correct syntax.

This is what I have:

DerivedFoo<T1,T2> : ParentFoo<T1, T2> where T2 : IBar { ... }

The first thing that came to mind was this:

DerivedFoo<T1,T2> : ParentFoo<T1, T2> where T2 : IBar, IFoo { ... }

But that is incorrect as that causes T2 to need to implement both IBar and IFoo, not DerivedFoo to implement IFoo.

I've tried a bit of Googling, use of colons, semicolons, etc, but I've turned up short. I'm sure the answer is head slappingly simple.


+12  A: 

You include the entire signature of your class before you define generic constraints.

class DerivedFoo<T1, T2> : ParentFoo<T1, T2>, IFoo where T2 : IBar
Adam Robinson
damn ya beat me..
Stan R.
Aha! Thank you!
Dan Rigby
+2  A: 
public interface IFoo {}
public interface IBar {}

public class ParentFoo<T,T1> { }
public class DerivedFoo<T, T1> : ParentFoo<T, T1>, IFoo where T1 : IBar { }
Stan R.
+5  A: 

My recommendation: when you have a question about the syntax of the C# language, read the specification; that's why we publish it. You'll want to read section 10.1.

To answer your specific question, the order of things in a class declaration is:

  • attributes, in square brackets
  • modifiers ("public", "static", and so on)
  • "partial"
  • "class"
  • the class name
  • a comma-separated list of type parameter declarations inside angle brackets
  • a colon followed a comma-separated list of base types (base class and implemented interfaces, base class must go first if there is one)
  • type parameter constraints
  • the body of the class, surrounded by braces
  • a semicolon

Everything on that list is optional except for "class", the name, and the body, but everything must appear in that order if it appears.

Eric Lippert
Dan Rigby
No criticism was intended. There is a pervasive bias in pure-text communication which makes simple statements of facts sound brusque and abrasive; I try to read charitably when presented with a list of helpful facts, and recommend that you do so as well. I stand by my recommendation; if you have questions about syntax, the spec answers them definitively and begins with a helpful table of contents for locating definitions of specific syntaxes.
Eric Lippert
Dan, finding C# spec is as simple as entering 'C# Spec' in Google and hitting the 'I am lucky' button. And if you are a professional C# developer, you should already have C# spec in PDF format on your machine. Also, I don't mean to criticize you either. I was not used to reading spec earlier but I have started reading it thanks to Jon, Eric and Pavel who always quotes C# spec for any question. I found that C# spec, even though it could be hard to read at times, is a great way to learn about the language.
@Eric Lippert: Fair enough. Thank you for your reply. As a constructive suggestion, it would be helpful if Microsoft would integrate the contents of the specification directly into MSDN in addition to having it exist as a separate download. The Visual Studio .Net MSDN version has an integrated version of the specification, but not later versions. I've given thought to purchasing Anders Hejlberg's book, but with .Net 4.0 around the corner I'm reluctant to just yet. Thanks.
Dan Rigby
@SolutionYogi: The document on MS's website is in .doc format (I'm aware of it's location as I linked to it in my comment), where have you located a PDF version? Thanks.
Dan Rigby
On ECMA's website.
@SolutionYogi: The only catch to that is that the ECMA standard trails the Microsoft C# language specification in currency. For example, ECMA-334 does not cover LINQ or Lambdas. While it would have worked for my question, I'm more inclined to reference the most current document.
Dan Rigby
You are absolutely correct. So far, for my simple needs, the PDF version has worked.
Wow, you learn something every day...didn't know that a class definition could be followed by a semicolon (don't know why you'd want to, but I'm sure there's a reason). +1
Adam Robinson
C++ *requires* that a class declaration end in a semicolon. Many C# developers come from a C++ background; sometimes their fingers put the semicolon in without their brains getting involved. :-) There are a number of constructs in C# which take an optional semi where C++ requires one. It's pretty much just a subtle convenience. I suppose it also lets you subtly call out when a type declaration is ending vs say a method body declaration.
Eric Lippert