I'm trying to something pretty simple but am having headaches with it. I'm pretty sure all I have here is a permissions issue I don't know how to solve but I could be wrong.
Here is my scenario... I have 3 servers...
- Server A - Web Server (Windows 2003) - Anonymous Access Enabled
- Server B - Red 5 Media Server
- Server C - NAS
The website on Server A allows for recording/uploading of video to Server B where the video is processed/transcoded. A Cron job on Server B then moves the videos over to Server C for storage.
Users can then watch their videos from Server A via a virtual directory thats been set up in IIS that points to Server C and connects as a domain user account.
I need to some how use the ASP File System Object to get the size of a folder on Server C that contains the videos.
I've mapped the parent folder of the folder on Server C where the videos are stored to a drive letter on Server A using a UNC path (\servername\videos).
I've tried using the FileSystemObject's folderExists() method for debugging purposes and it returns false if I pass in the mapped letter drive or a UNC path. It gives a path not found error. Just to be sure I did a response.write of the path being passed into the folderExists() method and it is the correct path. All of this leads me to believe this is really a permissions issue which I just don't know how to solve.
Thanks, Ryan