In a table there are like 113 columns. and there are two default records in the table, one is for unknown and another is for inapplicable. So, each column has its own default value to represent unknown and inapplicable.
I dont wanna write regular insert statement to get those two records.
so, I tried to insert each column using a cursor.
Got the names of columns for that table from information_schema.columns and tried to insert values from exact table in another location using "insert into select" statement, but the name of the columns that we get from information_schema
Declare @col_name varchar(50)
declare my_cur CURSOR for
select column_name from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'tabl' and table_catalog = 'db'
and table_schema = 'dbo'
Fetch next from my_cur
into @col_name
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
Insert into db.dbo.tabl (***@col_name***)
select ***@col_name*** from openrowset('sqlncli', 'server=my_server; trusted_connection=yes;', db.dbo.tabl)
fetch next from my_cur into @col_name
close my_cur
deallocate my_cur
But, I did not realize that @col_name would be treated as string, rather than object (column)
Is there any work around for this case or any alternative solution.