Pre-scriptum: I'm purely curious, and am aware of other perfectly suitable solutions to this, that lie outside the domain of regular expressions.
How do I match from a beginning tag, and until a closing tag with possible nested, and perhaps identical tags. So say I have given in an HTML file:
<div class="nice">
<a href="">Hello</a>
Let's say I want to comment that out via regex replace. One could do a simple
But that would of course match until the VERY LAST closing div tag, rendering the code foul if the nice div is embedded inside another div. Making the delimiter non-greedy would render the code foul even more, matching until the VERY FIRST closing div tag.
So any ideas? I've often thought about this, and I've never found a solution, is this impossible in regex, or is it just me that's forgetting something simple? Isn't there some sort of "look-back" mechanism?