



I recently inherited a Drupal 5 site, and I'm having some trouble with the FileField module. I click Browse, find my file, then click upload. The file is an .mp3, which is a valid file extension, and is about 5MB. It looks like it's uploading it, but then it finishes and nothing is there.

Here are the things I checked: * I checked my file system, and the file is not saved in there. * I checked the permissions for the directory and verified that it has proper permissions. * I checked the watchdog table, and there's no entry in there. * I checked the error_log on my server, and no clues in there, either. * The admin/settings/uploads screen has maximum file size per upload as 100mb and total file size per user as 1000mb, which is much larger than it needs to be. * I checked memory_limit and post_max_size settings for PHP and verified they're both 100mb.

I tried turning off javascript and uploading, with the same results. Also, I tried creating a different content type that also has a FileUpload CCK field, and that one didn't work, either. One more thing I did was tried uploading a 5MB PDF file and a 6KB PDF file, and those did not work, either.

Does anyone have any ideas on what's going on, or at the very least something else I can check to see what the heck is going on?


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