When I try to install the android SDK it fails to install.
My OS is Windows XP
I just downloaded and installed Java JDK 1.6
Java -version from the command line returns:
java version "1.6.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
My environment vars have: JAVA_HOME=c:\progra~1\java\jdk1.6.0_11
I downloaded android-sdk-r04-windows.zip
I unziped it in V:\AndroidInstall\
When I go to the
V:\androindinstall\android-sdk-windows> and type "SDK Install.exe" nothing happens... If I go this from graph
When I do this from a graphical file viewer I get a quick flash that looks like a command line window and nothing....
When I try to run android list targets
from the tool directory I get:
Error: Error parsing the sdk. Error: V:\androindinstall\android-sdk-windows\platforms is missing. Error: Unable to parse SDK content.
So the basic install setup is not happening.
Additional clues:
I have a G1 and Android 1.0 was running on this machine. (Almost a year ago)
I've updated my G1 to 1.6 so I thought I'd update my SDK before starting new development.
When I tried to upgrade it tried and then died as the "directory was in use" So I cleaned out all the android directories, rebooted and redownloaded everythign from scratch. Now it won't run at all.
I've clearly got something in an unhappy state, but I've cleaned up all the directories and no remanants seem to be running I've rebooted....
I've missed somethign I just can't figure out what.