



I have a very simple ASP.NET MVC application with Entity Framework-based model. Essentially, just a Product table from AdventureWorks database. Controller only has Index and CrUD methods.

Create has the following:

        if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
            return View();
        // Save to the database

Some of the fields are required in the database, and if the values are not entered, I get an error (ModelState.IsValid == false). However, I want to supply some default values instead of erroring out. But i can't figure out how to hook into model validation... I played with "buddy metadata" class; so I know how to change error messages through annotations; but not how to "buddy" the validation process.

If it makes it clearer, I would like to set ModifiedDate to DateTime.Now, and rowguid to Guid.NewGuid(). Needless to say, the real problem is in a large application, but this example seems like a perfect summary of what I am trying to solve.

I probably do it in the controller by navigating through ModelState, but there gotta be a better way.

It may be a very simple question... but I couldn't find any examples how to do that.


What you propably need is to exlude some fields from binding. Sample code:

public ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude = "rowGuid,ModifiedDate")]Task task)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)

If it is exluded from binding, it is excluded from validation. You'll be able to set it yourself without having model errors.

alas, this was one of the first things I tried... Whether I create an Exclude list or not, ModelState still comes with IsValid == false and all entries (including rowGuid and ModifiedDate) are part of error dictionary