When I'm looking round a SQL Server database I often want to interactively retrieve a simple list of column names for a database table (no data type information etc., just the names) using sqlcmd
I can do this:
EXEC sp_columns @table_name = 'tablename'
which gives me much more than I want and wraps in a command prompt to the extent that it is close to unintelligible, or I can do this:
SELECT col.name
FROM sysobjects obj
INNER JOIN syscolumns col
ON obj.id = col.id where obj.name = 'tablename'
which gives me what I want but is a bit verbose.
I'd like to be able to do something like this:
SELECT column_name
FROM (EXEC sp_columns @table_name = 'tablename')
but that doesn't work (see, for example, this question).
Is there a more succinct way to do this (i.e. one that is easier to type at the command line and therefore less error prone)?