




Does anyway have any information or opinion on if the developers should be in a separate network then the rest of the regular network users?

What would be the benefit for them?

The reason I ask is that we have a dev network that just has development servers, we also have stagin and production. Neither of these networks have a user base other then a DC to allow people to remotely access the servers if needed.

The development team is asking to be put on their own network and I just wanted to know if anyone had a good reason for this, or would know where I can more info on this.

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

I've heard of separate development domains, and separate development subnets/VLANs in the server infrastructure, but never a totally separate network. That's what firewall rules are for.

Dave Swersky
I guess this depends on how you interpret "network". To me, "network" means a block of addresses and a route in/out.
@jdizzle: True. Depending on how their network is setup, this could mean anything from a minor tweak to the routing infrastructure to new hardware. The decision boils down to *why* they need/want it.
Dave Swersky
+6  A: 

Did they say why they want to be put on their own network? We have no knowledge of how your networks are set-up. In fact, the set-up of your networks could be hindering either tools they'd like to use, their ability to operate efficiently, or to get around annoying and unneeded network restrictions imposed by your IT department.

Your best bet is to ask them why they want this. Press the point to find out what the true motivations are behind this desire. You might be surprised. If you're their manager, trust them and push for it too.


To help, here are some very valid reasons to want their own network:

  1. They want to test the application over the network with the network stressed to the max without affecting anyone else in the company.
  2. The client is using a different network set-up and they'd like the option to reconfigure their network to mirror the client to better diagnose or preemptively diagnose potential problems
  3. They're doing overnight builds/testing/regression/what not with an automated script but finding current network settings/programs conflicting or interrupting execution but the IT department is adamant about issuing not an exception for any group.
  4. They want control over the network. It takes 2-3 weeks to get a work order into the IT department after filling out miles of paperwork just to add another user or something similar. They're frustrated by the beaurocracy and it's impeding development.
I agree that you should support your developers. However, unless they can point to a solid reason that cannot be worked around why they must have their own network, the time and expense to reconfigure your network may not be worthwhile.
Dave Swersky
Very good point. "Just because" is not a good reason.
ok so, I understand that you don't have any knowledge of our network setup, there are no tools that hinder the developers from accessing the development servers within the development domain (I said network because its the slang we use) but its its own domain. The developers want to be added to this developer network for no good reason as far as I can see. So this is why I was asking because I will have to have to setup a lot of stuff to make them live in their own domain. I will have to have redundant DC's, NAS ect... because they would not be allowed access back into the regular domain.
Did they read in some book, somewhere that good practice is to have developers on their own network? While true, it's not a good reason. There must be a necessity prompting this or a desire to do something with it. Keep pressing to find out why. They need to be specific.
It seems that VSS does not work properly (or may not be setup properly) to work across multiple domains. We have the users (devs) in one domain and the VSS in the dev network. VSS runs really slow and the devs have to authenticate into their local domain, their VSS and the Dev network. This is a real pain for the devs and it does slow productivity. We have a meeting this afternoon about what we are going to do for a solution but the three options I now have are.
1. Move the dev users into the dev network (I dont like this for many reasons) 2. Get some source control software that will let them authenticate into the dev network from visual studio to acess their code and test the web apps or 3. Make a virtual dev server for them to test IIS web files on the local users network and run VSS off of. (this way we can backup the source code as well)
Great! You've identified the reason. May I suggest Subversion with AhkSVN as a plugin for Visual Studio?

It is a good practice to have production and development on diffrent networks.

Edit: Agree with wheaties.

Why is it a good reason to have dev users on a separate network then the regular users?
They can have more access. Not saying let them put their own personal stuff on work computers.They can try things on there without worrying about what will happen if they are wrong. If they screw up and crash the server it shouldn't effect other company members if they arn't on the same network. Seeing as there can be issues a seperated network should keep your live data clean from test data if someone forgets to remove the live database connectiong/disgruntled worker adding that delete all into the system before leaving.

I'd ask them what their reasoning is - they may be asking for something to solve a particular problem, when there are much better solutions out there to solve their actual problem.

On our network, our environments are on separate VLANs on the same network, so their properly segmented, with very limited access between VLANs. They may accomplish what they're looking for without the need for a whole entire infrastructure devoted to the developers.


Developers sometimes request their own network/hardware/servers/etc. to avoid pestering IT with tasks they can do themselves.

this is what I think is the primary motivation.

The answer to my issues was to create a new domain and move the dev users and servers into it. This will fix all of their issues and resolve a business related need.

Thanks for all your help.
