



A few hours ago I've asked how to create a custom component (textInput and label component and created a Component Definition) and with your answers I can do that now.

Problem 2: I'd like to use that component in a datagrid column so that the user can type a value in the textInput which will in turn update the underlying dataprovider. I know I should use a cellrenderer like I've done with a checkbox column (also with help on the Net), but at this stage I'm only pulling my hair out. Please help.


This might look messy as it's a modified example.

Make sure you have the DataGrid, Label and TextInput components in the library of the fla you want to try this:

// Import the required component classes.
import fl.controls.DataGrid;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
//get some data ready, notice data and label
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
for(var i:int = 0 ; i < 7; i++)
    dp.addItem({data:'input '+(i+1),label:'label '+(i+1), title:"item " + (i+1)});
var dataCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("data");
dataCol.cellRenderer = CustomCell;
var titleCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("title");

var myDataGrid:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
myDataGrid.dataProvider = dp;
myDataGrid.rowHeight = 64;
myDataGrid.width = 500;
myDataGrid.rowCount = dp.length - 1;
myDataGrid.move(10, 10);
myDataGrid.editable = true;

And the CustomCell class looks like this:

package {
    // Import the required component classes.
    import fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer;
    import fl.controls.listClasses.ListData;
    import fl.controls.Label;
    import fl.controls.TextInput;
    import fl.core.InvalidationType;
    import fl.core.UIComponent;
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class CustomCell extends UIComponent implements ICellRenderer {
        protected var _data:Object;
        protected var _listData:ListData;
        protected var _selected:Boolean;
        //the custom components
        private var labelComponent:Label;
        private var inputComponent:TextInput;
         * Constructor.
        public function CustomCell():void {
         * Draws the Label and TextInput components
        private function init():void{
            labelComponent = new Label();
            labelComponent.autoSize = 'right';
            inputComponent = new TextInput();
            inputComponent.editable = true;

            inputComponent.x = labelComponent.width + 5;//5 pixels distance between components

        public function get data():Object {
            return _data;
         * @private (setter)
        public function set data(value:Object):void {
            _data = value;
            //there's label data, update the label
            if(_data.label) labelComponent.text = _data.label;
            //there's data for the input, update that too
            if( inputComponent.text =;

        public function get listData():ListData {
            return _listData;
        public function set listData(value:ListData):void {
            _listData = value;
        public function get selected():Boolean {
            return _selected;
        public function set selected(value:Boolean):void {
            _selected = value;
        public function setMouseState(state:String):void {


The code mostly comes from this devnet article.

It works ok, as in, it's editable.

Solution is be a component class(a class extending fl.core.UIComponent), implementing the ICellRender interface so it can be set as a renderer, and containing the Label and TextInput components. Also data will be mapped to TextInput.text, so it can be easily edited.

If DataGrid is a bit bloated, and you want to use the Component Definition or something simpler. I guess you can hack together a solution using a List and setting a custom cellRenderer using styles. I'm guessing custom clips are used as a cell renderer in the Plugins list on the tweenlite page.

HTH, George

George Profenza
I've uploaded the files I've used here:
George Profenza

Hey George, Thank you yet again for you help.

I still don't seem to be able to type into that first column. I can set it via code, but not by typing any text or values when you run it.

I'm I missing something?


Once the data grid is editable, you should be able to type in the first column. The editor is the default one still, but the edited value will into the input of the custom component. Check out the source uploaded at the link above. Change the code, break it, see what happens, fix it, have fun :)
George Profenza
George... it seems that I'm now fine with the cell renderer BUT I would also like the editor to look just like the renderer. Any help would be appreciated but not urgent.Thank you!