



This is probably a dumb question, but I can't seem to find a good answer. I want to know the best way to refer back to the model that an object belongs to.

For example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :posts

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :users

So, to get the user's posts, I can use user.posts, but to get the post's user, I cannot do the reverse: post.user

If I add a "user" method to the Post model, it works, but it doesn't seem to be the best way.

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :users

  def user

If you look at this blog post as an example, you can see that the author uses post.user.username, which doesn't work out of the box as well as :include => [:user], which also doesn't work, even with the "user" method in the Post model.

I know this is rudimentary, so thanks for your patience. I just want to know the best way to accomplish this relation.

My main goal is to write "finds" using nested includes, which refer back to the user like so:

post = Post.find(:all, :include => [:user])

When I try this, I get "ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError: Association named 'user' was not found; perhaps you misspelled it?"

Thanks a lot.

+4  A: 

I'm a bit new to Rails, but this should work automatically...

Ah - you've named the parent class in Post as belongs_to :users; but because it only belongs to a single user, Rails is expecting belongs_to :user (or, of course, belongs_to :users, :class_name => "User").

That is:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

should do the job.

Thanks. This is officially the dumbest question I've ever asked. Can't believe I didn't see that. I wonder why it even works if you make it plural...