You'll need to use Javascript to open a new window that will contain the form. A simple function such as the one that follows would work:
function openWindow(theURL,winName,features) {,winName,features);
Next to the database row to be edited in your front end, you could add an edit link that calls this function and opens a new script that will accept the row id through a GET variable and use that to present a form for editing.
<a href=\"javascript:openWindow('item_add.php?id=1','','width=500,height=300');\">
Item_add php should accept the id variable from the GET array. This script should contain an HTML form that when submitted, will call an Update query on this ID variable. On completion, you can call another javascript function to close the edit window and refresh the content on the original calling page. Call this function via onLoad on the body of the script after the POST is process and the database updates.
function redirect_to(where, closewin)
opener.location= 'index.php?' + where;
if (closewin == 1)
<body onload="redirect_to('index.php','1')">
This is just the technique I have used previously, but depending on your context you may want to look into some AJAX solutions.