My situation is as follows. I make games that use fixed size backgrounds (say 800x600). When players go fullscreen in a widescreen monitor, I add black bars to the sides, to make sure the game doesn't look stretched.
There are several ways to do this, though, and I wonder what's the best approach :
1) Find a resolution that closely matches the native aspect ratio of the monitor, and scale up the rendered image to fit the height. For example, my monitor is 1280x800, so I set that resolution, and scale the images by 1.33 - it takes 1066x800 but it looks fine. Drawbacks : scaling up, but scaling is uniform (so pixels are still square)
2) Set 800x600 fullscreen, scaling down the width by 0.625, so the rendered image looks not-stretched. Drawbacks : non-uniform scaling. Does this look good?
3) Something else
What do you think is the best way to do this?