I am overriding the admin index.html template by adding at the end:
<h1>Exporting and Validating Users</h1>
{% if error_message %}<p><strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></p>{% endif %}
{% if export_message %}
{% endif %}
<form action="admin/exportvalidateusers/" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="exportvalidate" value="export"/>
<h3>Export and Validate Users</h3><input type="submit" value="Export and Validate Users" />
My view is in the admin_views.py
def exportValidateUsers(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
import os
import subprocess
test = 1
task = request.POST['exportvalidate']
if task == 'export':
test = os.system("java com.ntkn.usermanagement.ExportUsersDomain /etc/ntkn-lb-user-mgmt/exportusers.properties >& /tmp/javaoutput3")
if test == 0:
exp_message = "Export successfully completed"
exp_message = "Export not completed"
exp_message = "Task not defined"
return render_to_response("admin/index.html", {'export_message': exp_message,},RequestContext(request,{}),)
return render_to_response("admin/UserDataValidation.html",{},RequestContext(request,{}),)
How do I get over this. Thanks.