




PHPSESSID Session Cookie

how to know if PHPSESSID is cahnged in the current session icouldn't find way to detect if this variable change is changes

as i want to check if the user has modfy the PHPSESSID or delete it (as deleteing it cause to create new one .)

and i can't save the value of this in session as all session are cleared when i delete PHPSESSID and aslo idont want to save it in session cookie

+1  A: 

User (browser) can not change PHPSESSID, user can delete a cookie which stores session ID or modify URI parameter. Why would your users modify/delete their session ID?

They can change it easily enough simply by editing their cookie (web developer toolbar for FF for example makes this really easy)
Eric Petroelje
Yes, I meant they can't edit server variable, may be I've used wrong words :) But anyways, I don't see the reason to worry about it.
+1  A: 

maybe he don't want to lose data in session

john shall