import util._ // For Scala 2.8.x NameTransformer
import // For Scala 2.7.x NameTransformer
* Repeatedly run `f` until it returns None, and assemble results in a Stream.
def unfold[A](a: A, f: A => Option[A]): Stream[A] = {
Stream.cons(a, f(a).map(unfold(_, f)).getOrElse(Stream.empty))
def get[T](f: java.lang.reflect.Field, a: AnyRef): T = {
* @return None if t is null, Some(t) otherwise.
def optNull[T <: AnyRef](t: T): Option[T] = if (t eq null) None else Some(t)
* @return a Stream starting with the class c and continuing with its superclasses.
def classAndSuperClasses(c: Class[_]): Stream[Class[_]] = unfold[Class[_]](c, (c) => optNull(c.getSuperclass))
def showReflect(a: AnyRef): String = {
val fields = classAndSuperClasses(a.getClass).flatMap(_.getDeclaredFields).filter(!_.isSynthetic) => NameTransformer.decode(f.getName) + "=" + get(f, a)).mkString(",")
trait T {
val t1 = "t1"
class Base(val foo: String, val ?? : Int) {
class Derived(val d: Int) extends Base("foo", 1) with T
assert(showReflect(new Derived(1)) == "t1=t1,d=1,??=1,foo=foo")