I recently completed an App Engine app for taking personality quizzes.
I would say go the super simple route and store everything about each quiz in a single Quiz entity. If you don't need to reuse questions between quizzes, don't need to search or in any other way access the structure of a quiz besides taking the quiz, you could simply do:
class Quiz(db.Model):
data = db.TextProperty(default=None)
Then data can be a JSON structure like:
data = {
"title" : "Capitals quiz",
"questions" : [
"text" : "What is the capital of Finland?"
"options" : ["Stockholm, Helsinki, London"],
"correct" : 1
Things for which you want indexes you will want to leave out of this data structure. For example in my app I found I need to leave ID of the quiz creator outside the data so that I can make a data store query for all quizzes created by a certain person. Also I have creation date outside of the data, so that I can query for latest quizzes.
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
You might have some other fields like this. Like I said this is a very simple way to store quizzes without needing to have multiple data store entities or queries for a quiz. However it has worked well in practice in my own personality tests app and is an increasingly popular way of storing data.