You need to write an abstract interpreter that executes the code with type values. So you step with your abstract interpreter trough the AST and record for each variable the sent messages or known types. And when you are done, you infer the possible types using structural type equivalence (aka duck typing).
PS: in addition to type inference you might want to take a look at "How Program History Can Improve Code Completion" by Romain Robbes, is explains how to further improve auto completion in dynamic languages with most-recently-used information and collaborative filtering.
So here is how abstract interpretation works for a code snippet like
def groups(array,&block)
groups =
array.each { |ea|
key =
groups[key] = [] unless groups.include? key
groups[key] << ea
return groups
you would start with
array = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
and then
array = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [], :types => [Hash] }
and then
array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [], :types => [Hash] }
and then
array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [:call], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [], :types => [Hash] }
key = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
and then
array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [:call], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [:include?,:[]], :types => [Hash] }
group_elements = { :messages => [], :types => [Array] }
key = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
and then
array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [:call], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [:include?,:[]], :types => [Hash] }
group_elements = { :messages => [:<<], :types => [Array] }
key = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
so eventually we can infer that
is possibly an Enumerable
is possibly a Proc
is a Hash
with Array
is any object