Hello all. I am EE, trying to write a script to simplify file checks using Python. For some reason, our IT will not let me gain access to our smtp server, and will only allow sending mail via mailx. So, I've thought of running mailx from Python and send it, in the same way that it works in my console. Alas, it gives an exeption. See Linux log below:
Python 3.1.1 (r311:74480, Dec 8 2009, 22:48:08)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> process=subprocess.Popen('echo "This is a test\nHave a loook see\n" | mailx -s "Test Python" [email protected]')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/depot/Python-3.1.1/lib/python3.1/subprocess.py", line 646, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "/depot/Python-3.1.1/lib/python3.1/subprocess.py", line 1146, in _execute_child
raise child_exception***
I am a newbe to Python (now migrating from PERL). Any thoughts?