I am looking for a simple PHP crud object generator to use with SQL database tables.
I've used POG and was wondering if there were any alternatives.
I am looking for a simple PHP crud object generator to use with SQL database tables.
I've used POG and was wondering if there were any alternatives.
You might take a look at MyGeneration. There are PHP templates for it that you can extend. The one [minor] down side is that the template languages are limited to JScript, VBScript, C# and VB.NET.
I've found that sometimes when people say they want CRUD, what they really want is ORM. Have you considered Doctrine?
Dynamic typed languages like PHP can create the object/class interface at runtime. (with the __get(), __set() and other "magic" functions)
It allows an alternative to code-generation.
Using an ORM like Doctrine or PHP ActiveRecord has my preference as far as CRUD goes.
Are you looking for CRUD for yourself or trying to create a CMS for a back end user? You using frameworks like Cake are great, but you'd have to switch your entire site over to that unless you keep it in its own folder. If its a CMS you want, check out things like http://www.silverstripe.com/
I developed a CRUD generator for PHP (it generates Joomla CRUD components based on data structure defined in DBDesigner). [email protected]