
Although I don't have a direct answer, you should use caution for such allowing people to upload files. I was at a seminar where they had good vs bad hackers to simulate real life exploits. One was such that files were allowed to be uploaded. They uploaded malicious asp.net files and called the files directly as they new where the images were ultimately presented to the users, and were able to eventually take over a system. You may want to verify somehow what TYPES of files are being allowed and maybe have stored in a non-exeucting directory of your web server.

You are right, that could be a security exception, but this application is being run locally so security isn't an issue. Thanks for the reminder though.

It turns out I was missing an option in the constructor of my openfiledialogue. The dialogue was changing the current directory which was causing the relative paths to resolve incorrectly.

If you replace the open file with the following:

var open = new OpenFileDialog{ Multiselect = true, Filter = "AllFiles|*.*", RestoreDirectory = true};

The issue is resolved.
