
WPF - Image 'is not part of the project or its Build Action is not set to Resource'

I have a project which requires an image in the window. This is a static image and i added through 'Add>Existing Item'. It exists in the root of the project. I reference the image in a test page like so - <Page x:Class="Critter.Pages.Test" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas.micro...

How can I convert a Silverlight ImageSource to a byte[]?

Hi folks, I've got a simple ImageSource silverlight control which i have on my canvas. Works fine. Is there any way I can extract the content of an ImageSource to a byte array? cheers! PS. Any version of SL will be fine. ...

How Do I Create a System.Windows.Media.ImageSource From a Byte Array?

How do I create a System.Windows.Media.ImageSource from a byte array? I have a byte array, containing the exact and complete file contents of a TIFF image file. I need to display this on the screen, and I have no idea where to even start. Supposedly, it can be done (according to my boss, our dev team has done it in the past, but no...

WPF- How Can I Show a Cropped Region of an ImageSource in an <Image> Control?

WPF- How can I show a cropped region of an ImageSource in an control? I have an ImageSource of a vairable size in pixels. I have a caculated crop rectangle, indicating how much of the image we are actually going to use. I don't want to edit the image data directly, but I want my <Image> control to display only the cropped region of t...

Image source winforms

Hi how can i set image source to an image in winforms? my images are in Resources folder in the application only I tried like this PictureBox pb = new PictureBox(); pb.Image = Image.FromFile("Resources/a.gif"); But it is showing file not found exception. Thanks in advance ...

wpf change image source

I know this is an easy question but I can't figure it out or find the answer anywhere. I'm just trying to change the image source during runtime in WPF using C#. Whenever the code runs, it just removes 1.gif and has a blank white box, instead of displaying 2.gif. Thanks in advance. XAML: <Image x:Name="img" Height="150" Margin="142,...

A problem with Relative Path Resolution when setting an Image Source

I have built a small WPF application that allows users to upload documents and then select one to display. The following is the code for the file copy. public static void MoveFile( string directory, string subdirectory) { var open = new OpenFileDialog {Multiselect = false, Filter = "AllFiles|."}; var newLocation = CreateNe...

Javascript Check Image Source Loaded

Hey Guys, I've been trying to get this working, and not having 100% success, basically trying to load an image, if the source doesn't exist try a second image until it reaches a default one. I have been trying the solution based on this question, however I am not using jQuery, so the accepted solution is no use to me, so trying the 2nd...

Setting an image.Source from a resource file.

private void SetCredentials() { username = txtfromEmail.Text; password = txtpassword.Text; pictureLogin.Source = @"C:\Users\Sergio\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\emailwpf\emailwpf\ok.png"; } I get an error: "Cannot convert string to ImageSource". What can I do? ...

Handling Multiple Images with ColdFusion and MySQL

Hello everyone, This is an architecture question, but its solution lies in ColdFusion and MySQL structure--or at least I believe so. I have a products table in my database, and each product can have any number of screen-shots. My current method to display product screen-shots is the following: I have a single folder where all screen-...

How to get image from relative URL in C#, the image cannot be in the project

I have a project where I'm loading relative image Uri's from an xml file. I'm loading the image like this: if (child.Name == "photo" && child.Attributes["href"] != null && File.Exists(child.Attributes["href"].Value)) { Image image = new Image(); image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(child.Attributes["href"].Value, UriKi...

Issue binding Image Source dependency property

Hello, I have created a custom control for ImageButton as <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Local:ImageButton}"> <StackPanel Height="Auto" Orientation="Horizontal"> <Image Margin="0,0,3,0" So...

Simple HTML problem with href

I am trying to create images hyperlinked to some URL's and hyperlinks donot seem to work. I am using the code as given below at Can you tell me why the hyperlinks to the icons are not workking? <td width="29" style="padding-bottom: 42px;><a href="" target="_bl...

ImageSource dependency property on a user control - XAML value set throws

I've created a small user control consisting of a button whose content is an Image. I created an "ImageSource" dependency property on the user control in order to bind to it from the Image inside the button. However in the XAML where I placed an instance of my user control setting the property throws an error at runtime : <ctrl:ImageBu...

SharePoint Picture Slideshow for main page.

Any suggestions for programming a Sharepoint 2007 site to use a picture slideshow on the front page? ...

Embedding resources (images, sound bits, etc) into a Java project then use those resources

Hello, I have searched for a method of embedding a resource in a java project (using Eclipse v3.6.0) then using that embedded resource within a control (e.g., JLabel). I have seen methods of referencing resources from the file system. Once the project has been developed I would like to publish the application as an executable. It sho...

Loading image into ImageSource - incorrect width and height

Hello. My problem is that the image loading seems to be uncorrectly from application resources. This is code: BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/WpfApplication3;component/Resources/Images/16x16_incorrect.png", UriKind.Absolute); bi.EndInit(); ImageSour...

Change image source in code behind - Wpf

Hi, I need to set image source dynamically, please note my image is in somewhere on the Network, here is my code BitmapImage logo = new BitmapImage(); logo.BeginInit(); logo.UriSource = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,\\myserver\\folder1\\Customer Data\\sample.png"); logo.EndInit(); // Getting exception here ImageViewer1....

How to convert 'System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream' to an ImageSource?

The question is clear: I am trying to Convert an "System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream" to an ImageSource but have no clue of how I could do this. I've seen severals articles that talk about converting arrays of bytes to Imagesource, but nothing about ISFileStreams. If someone has a solution or an example on how to proceed...

How to convert a ViewBox to an ImageSource?

I'm using a Viewbox to create a set of icons that I will dynamically bind to a WPF view. I'm binding to the resource name and using a Converter to convert the resource name to an ImageSource. I know how to do it if the resource is a Path, but how to do it with a Viewbox? This is how I convert the resource name, if the resource is a Pa...