Hello. My problem is that the image loading seems to be uncorrectly from application resources. This is code:
BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/WpfApplication3;component/Resources/Images/16x16_incorrect.png", UriKind.Absolute);
ImageSource s = bi;
Image file "16x16_incorrect.png" is 16x16 32bpp PNG file, but after executing above code, s.Width = s.Height = 21,59729.... I also have another file - "16x16_correct.png", when I load it in the same manner, both the ImageSource's Width and Height are equal to 16,002.
I have a big pack of useful PNG 16x16 32bpp images, which I intend to use in UI of my apps. Unfortunately, each of them loading incorrectly & looks blurred (or smoothy), because system stretches it from 16x16 to 21x21.
For testing purposes (it is need to remove "_" from "_http"):
- correct image link: _http://i.piccy.info/i5/22/41/504122/16x16_correct.png
- incorrect image link: _http://i.piccy.info/i5/24/41/504124/16x16_incorrect.png
Would you like as to be so kindly to explain the possible solution of this problem? If the problem in source image files, how can I change ImageSource.Width to desired size in order to use this files?