
WPF - Image 'is not part of the project or its Build Action is not set to Resource'

I have a project which requires an image in the window. This is a static image and i added through 'Add>Existing Item'. It exists in the root of the project. I reference the image in a test page like so - <Page x:Class="Critter.Pages.Test" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas.micro...

Custom Namespace on .NET web app

So I wrote some custom classes and put them all in a namespace, call it "Sphere". On my aspx.cs codebehind file, I have "using Sphere;" written. I know that this works because it's always worked until I copied this project to a new folder. Also, even when I click "view in web browser" everything works perfectly. Simply, Visual Studio 0...

Build Action for large set of images?

I'm in Visual Studio 2008 and I have a project that loads lots of images. I want the images to be deployed to the local instance of the software running. The trouble is that I tried using the images as a resource, but there are apparently too many(200 to 300) because I get strange build errors like GDI+ exceptions and Out of Memory Exc...

More resource confusion

I have a project that has a bunch of images in the project tree. One of the images has the BuildAction set to Content, but Copy to Output Directory is set to None. What exactly happens to this resource? Does it get compiled into the EXE? From what I understand about resources - nothing should happen to it; having this image in project...