I have searched for a method of embedding a resource in a java project (using Eclipse v3.6.0) then using that embedded resource within a control (e.g., JLabel). I have seen methods of referencing resources from the file system. Once the project has been developed I would like to publish the application as an executable. It should be noted these executables will be deployed/launched to Windows, *NIX, and Linux platforms.
I know this can be done in the Visual Studio world, but very unfamiliar how to do this in Java/Eclipse IDE. As a side question, how do I get Eclipse to create the project as a executable so it can be launched.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Based upon BalusC response I wanted to share the code I have to resolve my problem. My classes are under the package of "Viking.Test" and then I placed the image file under the package "Viking.Test.Resources". This is all done within Eclipse to import the image into the project.
- 1) I imported the image by Right-Click on the Project -> Import -> General/File System for the import source
- 2) Selected the folder which contained the image to import
- 3) Selected "Project/src/Viking/Test/Resources" for the 'Into folder' parameter
4) Didn't change any of the options and clicked "Finished"
In the source file I added the following code to insert the image into a JLabel (LblLogo)
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream input = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("Viking/Test/Resources/MyImage.jpg");
Image logo = ImageIO.read(input);
LblLogo = new JLabel( new ImageIcon( logo ) );
LblLogo.setBounds(20, 11, 210, 93);
catch ( IOException e ) { }