I am using boost::signals2 under Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3.
My signal creates an object copy and sends it's pointer to subscribers. This was implemented for thread safety to prevent the worker thread from updating a string property on the object at the same time it is being read ( perhaps I should revisit the use of locks? ).
Anyway, my concern is with multiple subscribers that dereference the pointer to the copied object on their own thread. How can I control object lifetime? How can I know all subscribers are done with the object and it is safe to delete the object?
typedef boost::signals2::signal< void ( Parameter* ) > signalParameterChanged_t;
signalParameterChanged_t m_signalParameterChanged;
// Worker Thread - Raises the signal
void Parameter::raiseParameterChangedSignal()
Parameter* pParameterDeepCopied = new Parameter(*this);
// Read-Only Subscriber Thread(s) - GUI (and Event Logging thread ) handles signal
void ClientGui::onDeviceParameterChangedHandler( Parameter* pParameter)
cout << pParameter->toString() << endl;
delete pParameter; // **** This only works for a single subscriber !!!
Thanks in advance for any tips or direction,