+4  A: 

Have you tried using precompiled headers? That is including the boost headers in StdAfx.h or whatever header file you use for precompiled headers?

David Dibben
I personally don't find that precompiled headers help speed up development. They're great if you're just building something, but if you're changing things in header files then they don't always actually speed things up. For this reason I tend to have a non precompiled header build for developing....
Len Holgate
That depends which headers you add. If you add headers from your code then sure, it will make it worse since it forces a rebuild on each header change. But library headers (such as boost) don't normally change. Using pre-compiled for the Qt library headers in our app reduced compile time by 30-40%
David Dibben
+1  A: 

Did you try Incredibuild? It will allow you to distribute your build on multiple computers. I have seen it used successfully.

David Segonds