I have a simple method in the ApplicationController that, when called, may set a 'flash[:notice]' then redirect to the root_url.
The problem is that even though that method is only called once, the root URL renders that flash[:notice] TWICE.
Here's a the method (which is a before_filter used in other controllers, and is defined in the ApplicationController) :
def authenticate
if params[:id].try(:size) == 40
company = Company.find_by_hash_identifier(params[:id])
if company
session[:editable_companies] ||= []
session[:editable_companies] << company.id
unless session[:editable_companies].try('&', [company.try(:id), params[:id]])
flash[:notice]= "You are not permitted to edit this company.<br />Please check the URL from the email we sent you, and try again."
redirect_to root_url and return
In the root_url view, I get two flashes like so:
You are not permitted to edit this company.You are not permitted to edit this company.