



Ext.getBody().focus() does not appear to be working correctly in IE6. When a user navigates to a new ExtJS tab, I need to ensure he can no longer type into a CKEditor instance (hidden after navigating to a new tab) in which he might have been typing. The following code works in FF, but not IE6.

for( var instanceName in CKEDITOR.instances ) {
    CKEDITOR.instances[instanceName].focusManager.forceBlur();  // also 
                                                                // not working 
                                                                // in IE6

Any suggestions?


I believe all major browsers including IE 6 support the document.activeElement property. If I understand correctly, you need to remove focus from the active form element when the user clicks a tab? Assuming you have access to some sort of event when the tab is clicked, try this:

if(document.activeElement) {
    //Call blur() to remove focus from the active (focused) element

If you want to disable all input to that field you would want to also give it the "disabled" property.

Matt Baker
Thanks for the reply. This doesn't work either - perhaps because the "current" focus is located in an iFrame.
Upper Stage
I believe it would still work, if it's in an iframe you just need to get at *it's* document object:`window.frames['your_frame'].document.activeElement`
Matt Baker
+1  A: 

I used this workaround; I created an input field with zero height and zero width and move the focus to this field to blur a CKEditor field/instance.

Upper Stage