



Or, failing that, how can I add an entry to the context menu that pops up when you right-click the header column (from the "More..." list).

I've been digging around the Shell API docs for a while and I can't seem to find anything.

This comes up in at least two situations I've run into:

  • At my workplace, we routinely inspect the "Product Version" and "File Version" of build products that come from a couple different sources after copying them out to QC or production environments to ensure the right file-set made it out.

    Right-clicking the header, opening the "More..." list, scrolling to "Product Version", checking the box, clicking OK, and switching to details view doesn't take especially long but a one or two click solution would be much better!

  • A little less interesting, but Music folders don't have "Date Modified" in their sort column context menus and require drilling down to the "More..." list. This comes up every once in a while when I want to see my newest music.

An easy suggestion would be the "Apply to All Folders" button in folder settings, but Details View isn't the preferred default, and adding "Product Version" to every Explorer window everywhere is undesirable.

I'm looking for an API hook -- if it takes writing a Shell extension, that's fine -- or something like a registry entry that can be used to add a few extra items to those column header context menus.

Ideally the solution would work in at least Windows XP and Vista.