I'm playing with HTTP Basic Authorization. As we all know, when a client gets a 401 error on requesting a page, the client must collect authorization credentials from the users (typically in the form of a pop-up window).
Subsequent requests for resources under that part of the URL will be accompanied by "Authorization: Basic [hash]" where [hash] is the username/password mashed together and hashed.
What I'm interesting in is getting the client to not send the Authorization header even when requesting a resource that previously asked for it.
Three important questions:
Is this possible?
If possible, does this violate the HTTP/1.1 standard (I'm unclear that this case is covered by the spec)?
What browser support this?
Thanks for your time, Internet.
UPDATE: Apparently, this is an apache FAQ and I am SOL. Still, if you've got thoughts on this question, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks.