



Is there a way to automatically increment the "minimum required version" fields in a ClickOnce deployment to always equal the current build number? Basically, I always want my deployment to be automatically updated at launch.

I suspect I'm going to need a some pre-/post-build events, but I hope there's an easier way.


Are you looking for Application Updates?

Right clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and then clicking Publish... is the wrong way to get Application Updates. You have to right-click your project and the click Properties, then click the Publish tab. Click the Updates... button and then check the "The application should check for updates" check box. There you can also specify a minimum required version for the application. (I haven't used that functionality but the Updates functionality is the core reason I use ClickOnce and it works great.)

Jared Updike
What I want to do is automatically increment that "minimum required version for the application" to match the current version about to be published.
Bob King
I see. That sounds pretty useful. In fact, if MS were smart, they would have made that a built in checkbox feature... :-)
Jared Updike
+3  A: 

Out of the box, I don't belive there is a way. It's not too much effort to spin your own however.

The approach I use is as follows:

1) create a Version.Properties file

<Project xmlns=""&gt;

2) Import the Version.Properties file into your project files

3) Create a task to increment the version on Build. Here's mine

<Target Name="IncrementVersion" DependsOnTargets="Build" Condition="'$(BuildingInsideVisualStudio)'==''">
      <Util-VersionProjectFileItem Include="$(Util-VersionProjectFile)" />
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TfCommand)&quot; get /overwrite /force /noprompt &quot;$(Util-VersionProjectFileFullPath)&quot;" Outputs="" />
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TfCommand)&quot; checkout /lock:checkout &quot;$(Util-VersionProjectFileFullPath)&quot;" Outputs="" />
    <Version Major="$(Util-VersionMajor)" Minor="$(Util-VersionMinor)" Build="$(Util-VersionBuild)" Revision="$(Util-VersionRevision)" RevisionType="None" BuildType="Increment">
      <Output TaskParameter="Major" PropertyName="Util-VersionMajor" />
      <Output TaskParameter="Minor" PropertyName="Util-VersionMinor" />
      <Output TaskParameter="Build" PropertyName="Util-VersionBuild" />
      <Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Util-VersionRevision" />
    <XmlUpdate Prefix="msb" Namespace="" XPath="/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:Util-VersionMajor" XmlFileName="$(Util-VersionProjectFile)" Value="$(Util-VersionMajor)" />
    <XmlUpdate Prefix="msb" Namespace="" XPath="/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:Util-VersionMinor" XmlFileName="$(Util-VersionProjectFile)" Value="$(Util-VersionMinor)" />
    <XmlUpdate Prefix="msb" Namespace="" XPath="/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:Util-VersionBuild" XmlFileName="$(Util-VersionProjectFile)" Value="$(Util-VersionBuild)" />
    <XmlUpdate Prefix="msb" Namespace="" XPath="/msb:Project/msb:PropertyGroup/msb:Util-VersionRevision" XmlFileName="$(Util-VersionProjectFile)" Value="$(Util-VersionRevision)" />
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TfCommand)&quot; checkin /override:AutoBuildIncrement /comment:***NO_CI***  &quot;$(Util-VersionProjectFileFullPath)&quot;" />
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TfCommand)&quot; get /overwrite /force /noprompt &quot;$(Util-AssemblyInfoFile)&quot;" Outputs="" />
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TfCommand)&quot; checkout /lock:checkout &quot;$(Util-AssemblyInfoFile)&quot;" Outputs="" />
    <AssemblyInfo CodeLanguage="CS" OutputFile="$(Util-AssemblyInfoFile)" AssemblyConfiguration="$(Configuration)" AssemblyVersion="$(Util-VersionMajor).$(Util-VersionMinor).$(Util-VersionBuild).$(Util-VersionRevision)" AssemblyFileVersion="$(Util-VersionMajor).$(Util-VersionMinor).$(Util-VersionBuild).$(Util-VersionRevision)" />
    <Exec Command="&quot;$(TfCommand)&quot; checkin /override:AutoBuildIncrement /comment:***NO_CI***  &quot;$(Util-AssemblyInfoFile)&quot;" />

Some additional clickonce tricks here

Scott Weinstein
+3  A: 

I ended up actually rolling an AddIn to VS that synchronizes all the version numbers, and then builds and publishes with a single click. It was pretty easy.

    Public Sub Publish()
            Dim startProjName As String = Nothing
            Dim targetProj As Project = Nothing
            Dim soln As Solution2 = TryCast(Me._applicationObject.DTE.Solution, Solution2)
            If soln IsNot Nothing Then
                For Each prop As [Property] In soln.Properties
                    If prop.Name = "StartupProject" Then
                        startProjName = prop.Value.ToString()
                        Exit For
                    End If
                If startProjName IsNot Nothing Then
                    For Each proj As Project In soln.Projects
                        If proj.Name = startProjName Then
                            targetProj = proj
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    If targetProj IsNot Nothing Then
                        Dim currAssemVersionString As String = targetProj.Properties.Item("AssemblyVersion").Value.ToString
                        Dim currAssemVer As New Version(currAssemVersionString)
                        Dim newAssemVer As New Version(currAssemVer.Major, currAssemVer.Minor, currAssemVer.Build, currAssemVer.Revision + 1)
                        targetProj.Properties.Item("AssemblyVersion").Value = newAssemVer.ToString()
                        targetProj.Properties.Item("AssemblyFileVersion").Value = newAssemVer.ToString()
                        Dim publishProps As Properties = TryCast(targetProj.Properties.Item("Publish").Value, Properties)
                        Dim shouldPublish As Boolean = False
                        If publishProps IsNot Nothing Then
                            shouldPublish = CBool(publishProps.Item("Install").Value)
                            If shouldPublish Then
                                targetProj.Properties.Item("GenerateManifests").Value = "true"
                                publishProps.Item("ApplicationVersion").Value = newAssemVer.ToString()
                                publishProps.Item("MinimumRequiredVersion").Value = newAssemVer.ToString()
                                publishProps.Item("ApplicationRevision").Value = newAssemVer.Revision.ToString()
                            End If
                        End If
                        Dim build As SolutionBuild2 = TryCast(soln.SolutionBuild, SolutionBuild2)
                        If build IsNot Nothing Then
                            If shouldPublish Then
                                If build.LastBuildInfo = 0 Then

                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
Bob King

Here's how I handled this one. First I created a custom task that wraps string replacement:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;

namespace SynchBuild { public class RemoveAsterisk : Task { private string myVersion;

    public string Version
        set{myVersion = value;}

    public string ReturnValue
        get { return myVersion.Replace("*", ""); }

    public override bool Execute()
         return true;


So that gets built into SynchBuild.dll which you see referenced in the UsingTask below. Now I tried just overwritting the MinimumRequiredVersion property, but it didn't seem to get picked up, so I just overwrote the GenerateApplicationManifest target by adding the following lines to the end of my csproj file:

<UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\WegmansBuildTasks\SynchBuild.dll" TaskName="SynchBuild.RemoveAsterisk" />
  <Target Name="GenerateDeploymentManifest" DependsOnTargets="GenerateApplicationManifest" Inputs="&#xD;&#xA;            $(MSBuildAllProjects);&#xD;&#xA;            @(ApplicationManifest)&#xD;&#xA;            " Outputs="@(DeployManifest)">
    <RemoveAsterisk Version="$(ApplicationVersion)$(ApplicationRevision)">
      <Output TaskParameter="ReturnValue" PropertyName="MinimumRequiredVersion" />
    <GenerateDeploymentManifest MinimumRequiredVersion="$(MinimumRequiredVersion)" AssemblyName="$(_DeploymentDeployManifestIdentity)" AssemblyVersion="$(_DeploymentManifestVersion)" CreateDesktopShortcut="$(CreateDesktopShortcut)" DeploymentUrl="$(_DeploymentFormattedDeploymentUrl)" Description="$(Description)" DisallowUrlActivation="$(DisallowUrlActivation)" EntryPoint="@(_DeploymentResolvedDeploymentManifestEntryPoint)" ErrorReportUrl="$(_DeploymentFormattedErrorReportUrl)" Install="$(Install)" MapFileExtensions="$(MapFileExtensions)" MaxTargetPath="$(MaxTargetPath)" OutputManifest="@(DeployManifest)" Platform="$(PlatformTarget)" Product="$(ProductName)" Publisher="$(PublisherName)" SuiteName="$(SuiteName)" SupportUrl="$(_DeploymentFormattedSupportUrl)" TargetCulture="$(TargetCulture)" TargetFrameworkVersion="$(TargetFrameworkVersion)" TrustUrlParameters="$(TrustUrlParameters)" UpdateEnabled="$(UpdateEnabled)" UpdateInterval="$(_DeploymentBuiltUpdateInterval)" UpdateMode="$(UpdateMode)" UpdateUnit="$(_DeploymentBuiltUpdateIntervalUnits)" Condition="'$(GenerateClickOnceManifests)'=='true'">
      <Output TaskParameter="OutputManifest" ItemName="FileWrites" />

The end result is we take the app version and revision, combine them, remove the asterisk, then set the minimum required version. I have the auto increment app version in my publish properties set so that's how incrementing takes place, then I'm just setting the minimumrequiredversion to always match.I don't use team build, this is just designed so that a developer using visual studio can make all clickonce deployments required. Hope this helps.



Interestingly, your solution works fine for non-VSTO projects, but the "Publish" property is Nothing for VSTO projects.

Can you publish using the buttons on the "Publish" tab in a VSTO project?
Bob King
Yes, the publish button works fine.Did you try it out? There is the possibility that it's environmental, but I am thinking that it's just plain broken for VSTO projects.