I can't seem to get heroku to db:push, even though I have installed taps. It doesnt seem to believe me. I also checked and found a folder here: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/taps-0.2.23/
UM4345s-MacBook-Pro:photosite $ sudo gem install taps
Successfully installed rack-1.1.0
Successfully installed sinatra-0.9.2
Successfully installed thor-0.9.9
Successfully installed
rest-client-1.2.0 Successfully
installed sequel-3.0.0 Successfully
installed taps-0.2.23 6 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for
rack-1.1.0... Installing ri
documentation for sinatra-0.9.2...
Installing ri documentation for
thor-0.9.9... Installing ri
documentation for rest-client-1.2.0...
Installing ri documentation for
sequel-3.0.0... Installing ri
documentation for taps-0.2.23...
Installing RDoc documentation for
rack-1.1.0... Installing RDoc
documentation for sinatra-0.9.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for
thor-0.9.9... Installing RDoc
documentation for rest-client-1.2.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for
sequel-3.0.0... Installing RDoc
documentation for taps-0.2.23...
UM4345s-MacBook-Pro:photosite $heroku db:push
Install the Taps gem
to use db commands. On most systems
this will be: sudo gem install taps
UM4345s-MacBook-Pro:photosite $ sudo gem install taps
Password: Successfully installed
taps-0.2.23 1 gem installed Installing
ri documentation for taps-0.2.23...
Installing RDoc documentation for
UM4345s-MacBook-Pro:photosite$ $heroku db:push
Install the Taps gem
to use db commands. On most systems
this will be: sudo gem install taps