



In FireFox, I can click anywhere in CKEditor (350px x 250px) to place focus on a single paragraph of text located at the top of the editor. However, in IE6 (I know, but our client insists) I must click directly atop the paragraph to focus the cursor and subsequently edit the text.

CKEditor creates the following:

   <body spellcheck="true">
      <p>some text to edit</p>

I suspect this is an IE6 problem; any ideas???

EDIT: Apparently a known problem.

+1  A: 

This is a known problem apparently fixed in v3.1.

Upper Stage
+1  A: 

As the ticket date shows, the bug is still present, it hasn't been fixed in the 3.1 release.

I cut-and-pasted code from the 3.1 release into our version (3.0.1) and corrected the problem. Maybe the ticket has not been updated?
Upper Stage
Sorry. I don't know what I was reading yesterday.Obviously the ticket is fixed and you were right, I should rest a little.