I'm writing reusable app. And I want to deploy it several times.
Here is urls.py:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^carphotos/', include('webui.photos.urls', app_name='car-photos') ),
(r'^userphotos/', include('webui.photos.urls', app_name='profile-photos') ),)
and photos/urls.py:
urlpatterns = patterns('webui.photos.views',
url(r'^$', album_list, name="album-list" )
url(r'^newalbum/$', album_page, {'create': True}, name="album-create"),)
On the album_list view I want to show url for creating new album album_page.
I found that I have to use parameter current_app of reverse function to get proper URL.
But how to get this current_app? I thought the answer is something simple. But I can't find it in django documentation.
Thanks, Nick