I am using :
function AuthenticateUser(alias, password) {
$.getJSON(RPC_URL + "?c=User&password=" + urlencode(password) + "&alias=" + alias + "&m=login&jsoncallback=?", function(data){
Right now...
But instead of that, I want to use POST, instead of GET. I tried $.postJSON and $.post instead of $.getJSON here, but when i use postJSON or post, for some reason my data is not even sent. I saw that in my Temper data. Nothing happened in Temper Data.
Someone told me that this might be a cross domain issue. Because I am sending send data from my virtual.cloudbeta.com to virtual.app.cloud.com.
What should I do here.
I want to have a simple fix on this. I can not keep the data on one server or have a proxy server. One of my friend suggested me to see this : http://alvinabad.wordpress.com/2009/02/13/feb13/
But i could not get how I can use it my issue.
Plz, it would really nice to get some help on this.
Regards Zeeshan