



Is there anyway to configure WCF endpoint/binding to send the data "as-is" without wrapping as a soap message (with the Envelope tag, etc.)?

I'm trying to send an xml using WCF and its ended up wrapped as a soap and i would like that the server side would get it as plain xml (exactly as the original) because i can't change the server side at this point.

+1  A: 

There is a write up on MSDN for "POX" (plain old xml), but I haven't tried it out. (

I was able to use the answer from a REST/SOAP stackoverflow question to return plain text (which I assume could be xml):

can you use POX for non-http endpoints? i'm using TIBCO as my "service" and when i try to set the end-point with the "webHttp" element, it complains that 'System.ServiceModel.Description.WebHttpBehavior' is only intended for use with WebHttpBinding or similar bindings.any other alternative?
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Thanks for the vote-up. I also liked marc_s answer. I'm glad he was able to clear up the binding issues.
+3  A: 

Check out the excellent screen cast series by Pluralsight, which covers all of WCF REST extensively:

Specifically, there's on screen cast on:

HTTP Plain XML (POX) Services

can you use POX for non-http endpoints? i'm using TIBCO as my "service" and when i try to set the end-point with the "webHttp" element, it complains that 'System.ServiceModel.Description.WebHttpBehavior' is only intended for use with WebHttpBinding or similar bindings.any other alternative?
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I don't think so - POX is really usually associated with HTTP. You should be able to expose your TIBCO service as a HTTP endpoint, however - I'm doing that right now :-) (as a client)
how can i do it? do i need to configure anything on the server side or i just change my TIBCO address (tcp://....) to http one?
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Well, if your service normally requires tcp://, then you'd have to build a "front" service that can take in http:// requests, and then turn around and call your TIBCO stuff on tcp.//
See this 2-part MSDN article on building a "WCF Router": - it'll be part of WCF 4 with .NET 4, too (out sometime later this spring)
in the case of TIBCO, you can extense TemsMessageProtocol and then you can override and control how the message will get piped out. I got it to work and it makes everything else much easier.
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The Pluralsight video seems to be "subscriber only" That said, I've found it at