Elliot Haughin wrote a lovely library for using the twitter api
I got it up and running smoothly but I have an issue when using paged requests (cursors), for instance in statuses/friends.
If I do this:
$test = $this->twitter->call(’statuses/friends’, array(’id’ => ‘dennis_decoene’, ‘cursor’=>’-1′));
echo $test->next_cursor;
I get “1.32215833937E+18″ for example. If I supply this to the next call to get the next 100 users, I get an error. If I do a print_r($test) on the second call, this is printed:
stdClass Object
[users] => Array
[next_cursor] => 0
[previous_cursor] => 0
It is empty, because the cursor value is fubar…
How can I get/supply the correct next cursor value?