




what is the comparison of programming language java and delphi?

+1  A: 

There is no simple answer to your question... Which version of Java with which version of Object Pascal do you want to compare? Any criteria? Like adoption, executable size, speed? Delphi/Object Pascal is a bit different than Java, you know... And of course there is a bit more to talk about than just simple programming language. What about "standard library"? As in VCL/CLX or JDK?

If you could please clarify what you meant by "what is the comparison" by providing us with some criteria, probably someone will answer your question...

Regards, Pawel.

Paweł Dyda
+1  A: 

I think that main differences are

  • Delphi is producing native Windows applications. You can run such application with no additional dependencies. Size of such .exe file starts at 1 MB for latest Delphi version. Later Delphi versions are also able to produce managed code for .NET platform. In this case created application depends on Microsoft .NET platform. Application in Java always depends on Java Runtime (JRE) which must be installed on client computer.

  • in case of native application in Delphi you must handle memory deallocation. Java is doing this automatically using garbage collector.

  • Java applications are more platform independent. Delphi native applications can be used only on Windows however .NET ones targeting Mono are also runnable under different operating systems.

  • There are only one IDE which is Delphi itself. When programming in Java you can choose from several IDEs like Netbeans or Ecllipse.

  • Java is actual technology used in many areas from enterprise to personal computing with large amount of active developers. Delphi had its time but now its less and less popular and one incidence of this is that pouplar open source libraries are not ported to Delphi.

  • Java and Delphi languages are different but both are OOP.

Petr Havlicek
Delphi's still very much in use in current development.
Mason Wheeler
Delphi allows you to do memory management, on Java you must use automatic memory management :-) Moreover, there is also Lazarus.
Marco van de Voort
Mason, I am not saying that it is not used in current developement. But it is becoming less popular. Some numbers: search on monster.com (North America region) for "delphi" returns 25 pages, search for Java 5000+ pages. search for c# 2776 pages. This is huge difference. Also very nice indicator is http://www.google.com/trends?q=delphi.
Petr Havlicek
Monster is a job-hunting site. All that demonstrates is that there are a whole lot fewer unemployed Delphi developers out there then unemployed C# developers. The reasons why are open to interpretation. ;)
Mason Wheeler
These numbers are from searching job offers.
Petr Havlicek
@Petr: if you look at the major events on the timeline for "Delphi", you'll notice that none of the 6 is related to the Delphi programming language. Furthermore, try "dotnet", "C++", "java", "javascript", "sql", "php", "html". They all show this same downwards trend; Therefore I'm not sure how much these graphs really mean.
Wouter van Nifterick
@Wouter: I also wonder why there are downwards trends for other languages. However there are other indicators of Delphi popularity. I switched from Delphi to C# in 2004 and when I look back on Delphi forums or email conferency I was subscribed to there are a few new topics today instead of tens or hunderts in 2004. I my opinion this means that there are less newcommers working with Delphi today.
Petr Havlicek